Unlimited Laser Hair Removal Packages!
from $325.00
Get unlimited laser hair removal with the following package options:
18 months: $3750 NOW 3,000.00
12 months: $2999 NOW 2,250
6 months: $1750. NOW 1,250
OR go month to month: $325 per month (MIN OF 3 MONTH COMMITMENT)
Unlimited Options:
Get unlimited laser hair removal with the following package options:
18 months: $3750 NOW 3,000.00
12 months: $2999 NOW 2,250
6 months: $1750. NOW 1,250
OR go month to month: $325 per month (MIN OF 3 MONTH COMMITMENT)
Get unlimited laser hair removal with the following package options:
18 months: $3750 NOW 3,000.00
12 months: $2999 NOW 2,250
6 months: $1750. NOW 1,250
OR go month to month: $325 per month (MIN OF 3 MONTH COMMITMENT)