Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash Extensions are used to enhance the length, curliness, fullness and thickness of natural eyelashes. Our lash specialist will customize based on individual eye shape and look.

Treatment Highlights:

  • Remove peach fuzz and dead skin cells for silky smooth skin.

  • Improves the absorption of skin care products.

  • Quick and effective treatment that won’t break the bank.

Frequency of Treatment:

Every 4 - 6 weeks for maintenance.


Full Set:
Classic: $150
Hybrid: $175
Volume: $200
Mega Volume: $250

Standard Fill:
Classic: $65
Hybrid: $70
Volume: $75
Mega Volume: $80

Lash Removal: $30

Eyelash Extension FAQs

  • After your lashes are thoroughly cleansed this treatment will typically take around 2 - 3 hours depending on your desired results.

    When you come in for a lash fill the treatment is typically 1 hour.

  • You will need to be careful when cleansing your face and avoid using oil-based products, as these can break down the adhesive. With proper care, your lash extensions can last for several weeks.

Questions about Eyelash Extensions?