

Dermaplaning is a gentle treatment that can help you achieve a silkier, radiant complexion. Utilizing a specialized blade, one of our providers softly exfoliates the exterior of the skin. As the blade is slowly guided across the superficial layer, peach fuzz, dead skin cells, and debris are extracted to reveal a softer surface.

Treatment Highlights:

  • Remove peach fuzz and dead skin cells for silky smooth skin.

  • Improves the absorption of skin care products.

  • Quick and effective treatment that won’t break the bank.

Frequency of Treatment:

Every 4 - 6 weeks for optimal results.


$75 +

Dermaplaning FAQs

  • After your skin is thoroughly cleansed this treatment will typically take around 30 minutes, making it an ideal lunch-hour rejuvenation.

  • You will see an immediate improvement in texture and skin quality.

  • Virtually anyone, including those who may have sensitive skin, may consider dermaplaning since it is such a gentle treatment. However, if you are experiencing an acne breakout, we may recommend that you wait until the blemishes have faded to avoid any irritation.

Questions about Dermaplaning?